keys961 Blog

咸鱼 & 废物 & 失败人士, 喜欢睡觉吃饭玩游戏.

论文阅读-Spanner: Google's Globally-Distributed Database

论文阅读-Don’t Settle for Eventual: Scalable Causal Consistency for Wide-Area Storage with COPS

Leetcode: Stock Transaction Collections

源码阅读-Redis 6.0: 多线程I/O

Leetcode: Super Egg Drop

论文阅读-A Pragmatic Implementation of Non-Blocking Linked-Lists

论文阅读-Lock-Free Linked List Using Compare-and-Swap

论文阅读-HotRing: A Hotspot-Aware In-Memory Key-Value Store

Read-Copy Update: Linux RCU链表

论文阅读-Transparent Pointer Compression for Linked Data Structures

论文阅读-Lightweight Asynchronous Snapshots for Distributed Dataflows


论文阅读-Distributed Snapshots: Determining Global States of Distributed Systems



源码阅读-Guava RateLimiter


源码阅读-Redis独立功能: 监视器

源码阅读-Redis独立功能: 慢查询日志

源码阅读-Redis独立功能: 发布与订阅

源码阅读-Redis独立功能: 事务

源码阅读-Redis集群: 集群(3)

源码阅读-Redis集群: 集群(2)

源码阅读-Redis集群: 集群(1)

源码阅读-Redis集群: 哨兵